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    Silent Hill 4 - Scenopis

A. Wstęp

I. Sen

It was two years ago
that Henry Townshend moved into
Room 302 of South Ashfield Heights,
an apartment building in the medium-sized city of Ashfield.
Henry was happy and enjoying
his new life.

But five days ago, something
strange happened.
He began to have a recurring dream
each night.
One other thing...

He couldn't leave Room 302...

B. Pokój

II. Henry Townshend

Henry: Oh, man...

Henry: What a dream...

III. Telefon

(Henry wybiera numer 555-2195)

Henry: It still doesn't work...

(Henry zaczyna odchodzić i nagle dzwoni telefon)

Henry: Hello...?

???: Help...me...

Henry: What...?

(Henry podnosi telefon)

Henry: The cord's cut...

IV. Skrzynia

(Henry przechodzi koło skrzynki)

Henry: This chest could hold a lot of stuff.

V. Drzwi

(Henry podchodzi do drzwi)

Henry: Five days ago... That's when I first had the nightmare.

Henry: I haven't been able to get out of my room since then.

Henry: The phone doesn't work, the TV doesn't work... I can't even get
anybody to hear me when I yell...

Henry: My whole world has suddenly turned insane...

Henry: My door's chained up, the windows are sealed shut...

Henry: And on top of that, someone chained the door from the inside.

Henry: How am I going to get out of here?

(Na ścianie pojawia się czerwony napis "Nie wychodź!", a chwilę później pod spodem napis "Walter")

Henry: What the hell...?

Henry: What's goin' on here...?

(Coś upada po drugiej stronie drzwi. Henry wygląda przez wizjer)

Henry: That's Eileen Galvin from next door...

(Eileen podnosi przedmioty, które upuściła i wkłada je z powrotem do torby z zakupami)

Eileen: Oh, man...

Eileen: Hope my luck changes before the party...

(Z łazienki słychać wielki grzmot)

Henry: What was that?

VI. Dziura

(W łazience pojawiła się dziura)

Henry: What the hell?!

Henry: S-Somebody in there?

Henry: I wonder if I can get out this way...?

(Henry wchodzi do dziury)

C. Metro

VII. Przybycie

(Henry pojawia się siedząc na ruchomych schodach)

Henry: What...the...hell...?

VIII. Cynthia

(Henry spotyka kobietę)

???: Who are you...?

???: What's your name?

Henry: Henry. And you?

???: Huh? This is my dream and you don't even know my name?

???: It's Cynthia...

Henry: Your dream?

Cynthia: That's right. This is just a dream. And a really terrible one too.

Cynthia: I hope I wake up soon.

Henry: So you think this is a dream, huh?

Cynthia: Well, if it's not a dream, what is it?

Cynthia: Anyway, I want to get out of here, but I can't find the exit.

Cynthia: Say...

Cynthia: Will you help me find it?

Cynthia: I'm kinda scared all alone...

Cynthia: I'll do a "special favor" for you later...

Cynthia: It's just a dream, so I might as well have some fun...

IX. Łazienka

(Przechodząc obok damskiej toalety, Cynthia zaczyna się źle czuć)

Cynthia: Wait a minute...

Cynthia: I think I'm gonna puke...

(Cynthia wbiega do toalety)

(Henry przechodzi przez dziurę w łazience)

X. To był tylko sen?

(Henry wstaje z łóżka)

Henry: What...another dream...?

Henry: But it seemed so real...

Henry: Or could it be...

Henry: Was I really inside that woman's dream...?

Henry: Oh, that's just stupid... What am I thinking...?

XI. Mebel

(Henry przechodzi obok szafki)

Henry: This furniture has been here since I moved in.

Henry: Huh...?

Henry: That's weird...

Henry: ...Somebody moved it...

(Henry odsuwa mebel)

Henry: Who could of done it...?

XII. Pokój Eileen Galvin

(Henry klęka, aby przyjrzeć się dziurze w ścianie i widzi jak Eileen Galvin siedzi na łóżku)

Eileen: ...Where did I put that damn broom...?

Eileen: Oh, there it is...

(Eileen bierze szczotkę i wychodzi)

XIII. Telefon Cynthii

(Dzwoni telefon, a Henry go odbiera)

Cynthia: ...Where did you go...?

Cynthia: ...Hurry... Save me...

Cynthia: If you need a token...there's one here...

XIV. Uwięziona Cynthia

(Cynthia jest uwięziona w wagoniku metra)

Cynthia: Hurry! Help me!

Cynthia: Someone's coming! Get me out of here!

XV. Zniknięcie Cynthii

(Henry zdaje sobie sprawę, że Cynthia znikła)

Henry: Cynthia...

XVI. Wyjście

(Słychać głos Cynthii z megafonu)

Cynthia: ...Henry, I found the exit.

Cynthia: Come to the turnstile...

Cynthia: ...Henry, I found the exit. Come to the turnstile...

Cynthia: ...Hurry, hurry...!

Cynthia: It's him...!

Cynthia: ...He's coming!

XVII. Kuszenie

(Cynthia leży na ziemi, a wokół jest mnóstwo krwi)

Henry: Are you okay!?

Cynthia: It's just...a dream, right...?

Cynthia: ...I think ...I drank too much last night...

Cynthia: ...I never got to do that..."special favor" for you...

Cynthia: ...I...I feel like I'm dying...

Henry: It's okay...it's just a dream...

(Na klatce piersiowej Cynthii pojawia się liczba "16121". Henry zamyka jej oczy i ekran zaczyna się rozmywać)

D. Pokój - Powrót z metra

XVIII. Powrót z metra

(Henry zjawia się z powrotem u siebie w sypialni)&

Henry: Cynthia...

(Na zewnątrz słychać syreny policyjne i ambulansu)

Henry: Man, what's that noise out there...?

XIX. Syreny

Henry: There's an ambulance and a police car near the subway entrance...

Henry: Is it Cynthia...?

XX. 16121

???: Hurry up and get that ambulance...

???: Quit yappin' and move her already!

???: Damn...she's got numbers carved into her chest. I wonder if...

???: ..........

E. Las

XXI. Jasper

Jasper: S-So y-you c-came...t-to investigate th-this stone t-oo...

Jasper: Th-There was a another g-guy here before... A...a...a real nosy guy...

Jasper: B-B-But I was the one, one who f-found this s-stone first...

Jasper: I-I-In the o-old d-days, th-the n-n-natives called it...

Jasper: Th-They used it in a...a ceremony...f-f-for talkin'...with their dead

Jasper: A-And n-now...th-th-those guys are, are usin' it too... C-C-Call it the
"m-mother stone"...

Jasper: Th-They're just u-up, up ahead, in that, that weird building...

Jasper: Op-Operatin' s-some kinda c-crazy re-religious cult...

Jasper: Th-They u-used to c-c-c-collect o-orphans... And, and, and...d-d-did
things to 'em...

Jasper: K-K-Kinda g-gives you the ch-chills, huh? This stone...

Jasper: Y-Y-Yeah...g-g-gives me the ch-ch-chills...

XXII. Trzecia rewelacja

(Henry spotyka małego chłopca na cmentarzu)

Henry: Hey, little boy, what are you doing here?

(Zjawia się Jasper)

Jasper: You're...

Jasper: F-Finally...the Th-Third Revelation...

Jasper: S-Something's g-gonna happen...

Jasper: Th-That n-nosy guy that was here... H-He said it too... Something big's
gonna happen...

Jasper: Finally, it's gonna happen!

(Jasper odchodzi śmiejąc się, a mały chłopiec ucieka)

XXIII. "Chcę trochę czekoladowego mleka..."

(Henry wraca do Domku Marzeń)

Jasper: Th-Th-The d-d-door won't open...

Jasper: Th-That n-n-nosy guy g-g-gave me something really good...

Jasper: I...I...I...I c-could l-l-let you have it...bu-bu-but not for free.

Jasper: I'm really th-thirsty...

Jasper: I'm so, so th-thirsty...

Jasper: Oh, chocolate... Oh, chocolate...

Jasper: I'm really thirsty... I'm so, so thirsty...

Jasper: I want some chocolate milk...

XXIV. Łopatka

(Henry daje Jasperowi mleko)

Jasper: Oh, man, that was awesome!

Jasper: H-Here, take this... There's s-something' written on it.

(Jasper rzuca łopatkę na ziemię)

XXV. Eileen i Richard

Henry: Help me Help! Let me outta here!

Eileen: There's something going on in this room...

(Nadchodzi Richard Braintree, sąsiad z budynku)

Richard: What do you mean?

Eileen: I heard some weird noises coming from inside there...

Henry: Help!

Eileen: Hey, Richard. Can you see anything from your window?

Richard: No...everything looks pretty normal to me...

Richard: The guy who lives here... What's he like, anyway?

Eileen: I know his name and face, but that's about it.

Richard: Well, I'm gonna go call the super.

Eileen: Yeah...good idea.

Henry: Damn it... They can't hear me...

XXVI. Domek życzeń

(Wewnątrz Domku Marzeń)

Jasper: I...I...I w-w-wonder what they did here...?

XXVII. Źródło

(Henry znajduje płonącego Jaspera)

Jasper: I finally met him!

Jasper: The one the nosy guy talked about... the Devil!

(Jasper pada martwy na ziemię, a ekran zaczyna się rozmazywać)

F. Pokój - Powrót z lasu

XXVIII. "17121"

(Henry budzi się w sypialni, a w radiu rozpoczyna się audycja)

Spiker: A special news report...

Spiker: In a forest near Silent Hill,

Spiker: the burned corpse of a 30-year-old male was discovered
earlier today.

Spiker: The police have ruled it a homicide and are investigating.

Spiker: The numbers "17121" were reportedly carved into the man's body.

Spiker: Due to the marks on the victim, the police are investigating
possible links to the Walter Sullivan case 10 years ago...

XXIX. Frank Sunderland

(Ktoś puka do drzwi)

Frank: This is the superintendent! Are you in there, Henry?

Henry: Help me! There's something wrong with this room!

Henry: Help me Help! Let me outta here!

Frank: Is anybody home?

Henry: What's goin' on here...?

(Frank przegląda klucze i wybiera ten do pokoju 302. Wkłada go do zamka, jednak ten nie pasuje)

Frank: That's strange... It's the right key.

Frank: I'm...I'm...I'm sure I heard something in there...

Frank: Yeah, that sound...

Frank: It's the same one as back then.

G. Więzienie Water

XXX. "Walter mnie zabije!"

(Mężczyzna jest zamknięty w celi)

???: He's...he's gonna kill me!

???: Walter's gonna kill me!

???: He...he's gonna kill me!

???: Get me out...

???: Get me the out of here.

XXXI. Andrew

(Mały chłopiec odchodzi)

Henry: Who is that boy?

Henry: And who are you?

???: His name's Walter...Walter Sullivan.

???: I used to work at the orphanage, watching the kids...

???: I'm Andrew DeSalvo.

Andrew: They tried to make it seem like an orphanage...

Andrew: But according to that town's Holy Scriptures, it was actually the
centerof their religion...

Andrew: That kid, Walter... He was really into that mumbo jumbo...

Andrew: Especially that "Descent of the Holy Mother" business...

Andrew: Scary... My God... Oh...oh, my God...

(Andrew odchodzi)

H. Pokój - Powrót z Więzienia Water

XXXII. Pępowina

Eileen: How's it going with Room 302?

Frank: Well...I, uh, just tried to open it up,

Frank: but it looks like somethin's, uh...blockin' it from the inside.

Frank: Anyway, it's not the first time...

Eileen: You mean...the guy who lived here before...?

Frank: And it wasn't just him, either. There's, uh, somethin' wrong with this
whole apartment...

Eileen: Don't say that... You're scaring me...

Frank: Well, anyway, I just slipped a note under his door.

Frank: Don't worry about it too much.

Frank: There are a...lot of strange things in this world...

Frank: The umbilical cord I keep in a box in my room...

Frank: Lately, it's started to smell terrible...

Eileen: Huh? Umbilical cord...?

Frank: Oh, forget I said anything...

Eileen: But still, those noises...

I. Budynek

XXXIII. Richard Braintree

(Richard spada z nieba)

Richard: Ouch! Dammit...

Richard: Where the hell am I...?

(Richard celuje pistolet w kierunku Henry'ego)

Richard: Ah, you're a real person...

Richard: Hey, you're the guy that lives across from me...

Henry: Yeah, my name's Henry.

Richard: I'm Richard Braintree, from 207.

Richard: What the hell's happened to us?

Richard: That hole...and this freaky world...

Richard: But if you're here too...

Richard: then there must be something wrong with the whole apartment

Richard: That must explain what happened to that other guy too...

Henry: What "other guy"?

Richard: The guy who lived in 302 before you...

Richard: A journalist...he disappeared one day.

Richard: He got pretty crazy towards the end... Shut himself up in
his room and wouldn't come out...

Richard: Anyway... I'm gettin' the hell out of here.

Richard: You should, too -- if you know what's good for you.

Henry: Wait...

Henry: Watch out for that kid.

XXXIV. Dzieciak

Richard: Are you the kid he was talkin' about?

Richard: You live in that apartment too,

Richard: huh?

Richard: Say...you look a lot like a little punk that I once caught sneakin'
around there...

Richard: Do you know somethin' about what's goin' on?!

(Mały chłopiec ucieka)

Richard: Hey! Hey, you! Stop!

XXXV. Ostrzeżenie

(Henry wraca do domu i wygląda przez wizjer, a na ścianie widnieje napis z krwi: "BETTER CHECK ON YOUR NEIGHBOR SOON!")

XXXVI. Chaos

(Richard jest przymocowany do krzesła elektrycznego)

Richard: A...a...a...a...a...k...k...k..."kid"...!?

(Dzieciak wskazuje na widok za oknem)

Richard: Th...th...th...th...that's n...n...no kid...

Richard: It's...th...the 11121...m...m...man...

(Richard ginie, a ekran zaczyna się rozmazywać)

J. Pokój - Powrót z Budynku

XXXVII. Pokój 303

(Henry wygląda przez okno)

Henry: There's a man in 207, pointing his finger...

Henry: He's pointing...at room 303... Eileen's room?

XXXVIII. 19121

???: ..........

???: Looks like another one, captain...

???: ...got "1...121"... on his head...

???: It's just like that case from 10 years ago...

???: Yeah, that Walter Sullivan case...

???: But Sullivan's dead. They even got the body...

???: Must be some crazy copycat...

???: Yeah, but even so...

K. Apartamenty

XXXIX. Moje apartamenty?

(Tajemniczy mężczyzna puka do drzwi pokoju 303, a następnie odchodzi)

Henry: It looks like my apartment...

Henry: What the hell is this?

XL. Zniszczona laleczka

(Tajemniczy mężczyzna siedzi na schodach)

???: I got this from Miss Galvin a long, long time ago...

???: She was younger than me back then... She looked so happy holding her
mother's hand...

???: Here, I'll give it to you...

XLI. Eileen...

(Wewnątrz pokoju 303 mały chłopiec stoi nad zakrwawionym ciałem Eileen)

Eileen: Hey kid...

Eileen: Thanks...

Eileen: Did you find your mommy...?

Eileen: This place...it's dangerous...

Eileen: You need... Hurry and get out of here...

(Ekran zaczyna się rozmazywać)

L. Pokój - Powrót z Apartamentów

XLII. Karetka

(Henry wygląda przez okno i widzi jak karetka odjeżdża)

Henry: Eileen...

XLIII. Nowa dziura

(Henry ogląda nową dziurę powstałą w schowku)

Henry: The hole...

Henry: Where will it lead to this time...?

Henry: Eileen... I wonder she's okay...

M. Szpital

XLIV. Prześwietlenia

(Henry ogląda tablice z prześwietleniami)

Henry: Eileen... Are you still alive...?

Henry: Eileen...

XLV. Pokój szpitalny Eileen

(Henry podchodzi do Eileen)

Eileen: Aaaaah!

(Henry łapie Eileen)

Henry: Eileen! Eileen! Relax!

Eileen: Y-You... You're Henry from next door...

Eileen: ...What are you doing here?

Henry: I don't...I don't know where to start...

Henry: There was this strange hole in my room...

Henry: I saw people getting killed...all these weird other worlds...

Henry: And I saw you get attacked too...

Eileen: What are you talking about? I'm supposed to believe that?

Henry: But it's true... And there was a kid with you...

Eileen: I remember now.

Eileen: I was getting ready to go to my friend's party...

Eileen: The boy protected me from the man with the coat...

Eileen: I'm sorry I didn't believe you...

Eileen: I guess there's something wrong with me...

Eileen: I just feel so scared...

Eileen: This place...what is it anyway?

Henry: I don't know either...

Henry: But I do know that if you get killed here...

Henry: Then you die in the real world too...

Henry: Anyway, the only out of here is through that hole.

Henry: Okay, okay. Take me with you.

XLVI. Przez dziurę

(Henry łapie dłoń Eileen i przechodzi przez dziurę. Jednak w sypialni znajduje się sam)

Henry: Eileen...she's gone.....

XLVII. Prawda ostateczna

(Henry wraca do szpitala)

Eileen: Henry!

Henry: Have you been here the whole time?

Eileen: Yeah, and I didn't see any hole either. You just disappeared all
of a sudden.

Eileen: I can't stay here by myself. I'll be cursed... I know it...

Eileen: What am I gonna do?

Henry: I might know a way to save you...

Henry: Do you know about someone named Joseph?

Eileen: Yeah, he was the guy who lived in your apartment before you.

Eileen: I think he was a journalist or something.

Eileen: He disappeared about 6 months before you moved in...

Eileen: But towards the end...

Eileen: He started acting really weird.....

Henry: Yeah, he was doing an investigation...

Henry: About a religious cult and a man named Walter Sullivan.

Henry: I got this letter from him...

Henry: He told me to go down... down into the deepest part of him...

Henry: And to look for the ultimate Truth.

Henry: Let's do that. There must be something down there.

Eileen: Okay, I'll do it. You're the only chance I've got...

Eileen: I'll stick with you.

N. Metro - Druga wizyta

XLVIII. Teksty Eileen w metrze

Eileen: I wonder if Joseph is still alive...

Eileen: This looks like South Ashfield Station...

XLIX. Drabina

(Henry zaczyna schodzić na dół po drabinie)

Eileen: I can't use a ladder with my arm like this...

O. Las - Druga wizyta

L. Walter Sullivan

(Henry spotyka małego chłopca)

Henry: Are you...Walter Sullivan?

Walter: That's what everybody calls me, but I don't really have a name.

Walter: Or a home either...

Henry: Well, what about a mom or dad?

Walter: Yeah...but I never met 'em...

Walter: They left South Ashfield Heights right after I was born.

Walter: But soon I'll get to see my mom.

Henry: Do you know where she is now?

Walter: Yeah, of course -- right where I was born.

Walter: Lots of people tried to stop me, but it's fine now.

Walter: It says in the Scriptures that I'll be with her.

Walter: I gotta hurry. Mom's waiting...

(Walter ucieka)

P. Budynek - Druga wizyta

LI. Walter spotyka Waltera

(Henry widzi małego Waltera rozmawiającego z dorosłym)

Mały Walter: I'm going to see my mom! Stay outta my way!

Mały Walter: Who are you, anyway?

Walter: My name's Walter. Walter Sullivan.

Walter: It's time to complete the "21 Sacraments."

Mały Walter: But that's my name... And what are the "21 Sacraments"?

Walter: Don't worry. You'll know soon enough.

Walter: Well, let's go and see Mother...

(Dorosły Walter łapie małego Waltera i zaczyna wynosić)

Mały Walter: Let me go! This hurts!

(Nadbiega Henry)

Henry: Damn!

LII. Nowy numer

(Henry dzwoni na numer 555-3750)

Operator: The phone number you are trying to reach is no longer in service.

Operator: The new number is 555-4890.

Q. Pokój 302 z przeszłości

LIII. Joseph Schreiber

(Głowa Josepha zwisa w dół z sufitu)

Eileen: It's him...

Joseph: You've done well to make it this far.

Joseph: Let me tell you something about "him," Walter Sullivan...

Joseph: When he was a little boy, he began to believe that my apartment was
actually his birth mother.

Joseph: He decided to "free" her from the stains and corruption of
this world.

Joseph: At the orphanage, he learned of the "21 Sacraments," the only way to
purify her.

Joseph: He then performed the ceremony of the "Holy Assumption" and created
this...twisted world.

Joseph: Now...he's become nothing more than an inhuman killing machine...

Joseph: Well, he's dead now...but he's trying to complete...the
"21 Sacraments."

Joseph: His boyhood desire...to return to the bosom of his birth...has
divided him...

Joseph: Now his child self...has manifested itself in this world...

Joseph: And soon, he is planning to finish his work...

Joseph: The...21...Sacraments...

Joseph: Number 20... "The Mother Reborn"... Eileen Galvin...

Joseph: Number 21... "The Receiver of Wisdom"... Henry Townshend...

Joseph: Even now...it may not be...too late...

Joseph: Follow the...Crimson Tome... Stop him...

Joseph: If not...wherever you run... He will catch you...

Joseph: Find...him... His...true location...

Joseph: It must be nearby... You must kill...him...

Joseph: You must kill him...

Joseph: Kill...... Kill...

Joseph: Kill...... Kill......

Joseph: Hurry...

Joseph: She's being taken over... She's Number 20... "The Mother Reborn"...

Joseph: The Crimson Tome...

Joseph: Obey the Crimson Tome...

Joseph: Kill him... Must...kill...him...

Joseph: Kill...... Kill......

Joseph: Kill...... Kill...

R. Na zewnątrz pokoju 302

LIV. Wolność?

(Kiedy Henry otwiera drzwi, znajduje się w alternatywnej wersji apartamentów)

Henry: No way...

Henry: Not here too...

(Pojawia się Eileen)

Henry: Eileen!

LV. Współczucie Eileen

(Eileen się zatrzymuje i ogląda zeszyt z rysunkiem wykonanym przez małego Waltera)

Henry: Eileen...?

Eileen: It's terrible... That poor little boy...

Eileen: His parents just threw him away right after he was born...

Eileen: Poor thing...

Eileen: He really thinks that Room 302 is his mother...

Eileen: I've gotta...I've gotta help him...

LVI. "Walter... On płacze..."

(Henry otwiera czerwone pudełko z pępowiną Waltera i z bólu pada na kolana)

Henry: Ow, my head......!

Eileen: Henry? Are you okay?

Eileen: It's Walter... He's crying...

Eileen: Even finishing the 21 Sacraments... It won't help that boy...

Eileen: I'm going back, Henry... To the room where he is...

Eileen: We're the only ones... The only ones that can stop him.

(Eileen wybiega i słychać dźwięk dzwonu)

S. Finałowa walka

(Henry i Walter patrzą się na siebie, a Eileen, która została opętana, idzie w kierunku gigantycznej maszyny)

Mały Walter: Mom! Mom!

Mały Walter: Let me in...

Mały Walter: Mom!

Walter: Hey there, little Walter... Just a little longer now...

Walter: Henry...

Walter: You're it...the last of the 21 Sacraments...

Walter: The "Final Sign"...

Walter: The "Receiver of Wisdom."

(Rozpoczyna się walka)

T. Zakończenia

Kiedy Walter zostaje pokonany, pada na ziemię. Krew wypływa spod jego ciała. Wyciąga jeszcze rękę w kierunku nieba i mówi "Mamo..."

LVII. Zakończenie "21 Sacraments"

(Henry pada z bólu na kolana)

Henry: Ah! My head.

(Wtedy Henry z dziwnym wyrazem twarzy nagle wstaje - został opętany. Drzwi do pokoju 302 się otwierają i młody Walter wbiega do środka i kładzie się z czułością na kanapie)

Mały Walter: Mom...

Mały Walter: Mom......

Mały Walter: I'm home...

Mały Walter: I won't let anyone get in my way...

Mały Walter: I'm gonna stay with you, forever......

(W radiu zaczynają nadawać wiadomości)

Spiker: And now, the news...

Spiker: Yesterday, in Ashfield and the

Spiker: woods near Silent Hill,

Spiker: the bodies of five apparent murder victims and a sixth severely
wounded female discovered.

(Dorosły Walter po prostu stoi oparty o ścianę)

Spiker: The woman was immediately rushed to St. Jerome's Hospital,

Spiker: but died a short time later of her injuries. She has been
identified as a Miss Eileen Galvin of Ashfield.

Spiker: The last body discovered was found in Room 302 of the
South Ashfield Heights Apartment.

Spiker: It is believed to be that of its occupant, Henry Townshend...

Spiker: The body was reportedly disfigured beyond recognition, making
identification impossible.

Spiker: Once again, we've got late breaking news...

Spiker: Five unnamed police officers have been found dead, for reasons
unknown, in the

Spiker: South Ashfield Heights apartments, along with its superintendent,
Mr. Frank Sunderland.

Spiker: All other residents of South Ashfield Heights have been rushed to
St. Jerome's Hospital, many complaining of severe chest pains.

Spiker: These strange incidents are similar to the ones which
occurred in Silent Hill

Spiker: Some years ago. More news to follow.

LVIII. Zakończenie "Eileen's Death"

(Całe miejsce zaczyna się trząść. Mały Walter wciąż puka do pokoju 302)

Mały Walter: Mom! Mom!

Mały Walter: Let me in...

Mały Walter: Mom!

(Mały Walter pada na kolana, po czym znika)

(Henry budzi się w swojej sypialni i w widoku z pierwszej osoby wychodzi z pokoju)

Spiker: And now, the news...

Spiker: Yesterday, in Ashfield and the woods

Spiker: near Silent Hill,

Spiker: the bodies of five men and women were discovered.

Spiker: The police reported that all the murders appeared to be the
work of the same perpertrator.

(Henry podchodzi do radia)

Spiker: They are continuing their investigation.

Spiker: Four of the victims were found dead at the scene, and the fifth

Spiker: a Miss Eileen Galvin, was transported to St. Jerome's Hospital,

Spiker: where she died a short time later.

(Henry pada na ziemię)

Spiker: Police say that Miss Galvin's injuries matched exactly those
of the other victims...

Henry: Eileen......

LIX. Zakończenie "Mother"

(Całe miejsce zaczyna się trząść. Eileen pada na kolana)

Henry: Eileen...

(Mały Walter wciąż puka do pokoju 302)

Mały Walter: Mom! Mom!

Mały Walter: Let me in...

Mały Walter: Mom!

(Mały Walter pada na kolana, po czym znika)

(Henry wychodzi na zewnątrz. Trzyma się za rękę, ogląda na South Ashfield Heights i idzie dalej)

Henry: Eileen...


(Henry daje Eileen kwiaty)

Eileen: Thanks

Eileen: Well, I guess I can go back to South Ashfield Heights now...

(Ekran pokazuje pokój 302, który jest w pełni opanowany przez demony)

LX. Zakończenie "Escape"

(Całe miejsce zaczyna się trząść. Eileen pada na kolana)

Henry: Eileen...

(Mały Walter wciąż puka do pokoju 302)

Mały Walter: Mom! Mom!

Mały Walter: Let me in...

Mały Walter: Mom!

(Mały Walter pada na kolana, po czym znika)

(Henry wychodzi na zewnątrz. Trzyma się za rękę, ogląda na South Ashfield Heights i idzie dalej)

Henry: Eileen...


(Henry daje Eileen kwiaty)

Eileen: Thanks

Eileen: Guess I'll have to find a new place to live, huh?

(Henry kiwa głową z satysfakcją)