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Hill - Scenopis
Północna Bachman Road
[Harry budzi się w rozbitym aucie, po czym zauważa, że jego
córka Cheryl zniknęła i zaczyna jej szukać]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: Cheryl. Where could you be?
It's strange...
It's quiet. Too quiet. This place is like a ghost town.
[Po wejściu w głąb ulicy słychać odgłos kroków]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: Footsteps?
[Harry podąża za odgłosem i zauważa małą dziewczynkę po
drugiej stronie ulicy]
Harry: Cheryl? Is that Cheryl!?
Where are you going?
[Dziewczynka zaczyna uciekać]
Harry: Hey wait... stop!
Bachman Road - Alejka
[W tle słychać alarm]
[Zaczyna robić się ciemno. Harry zapala zapałkę]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: ...... better than nothing, I guess.
[Idąc dalej Harry natrafia na ciało powieszone na ogrodzeniu]
Harry: What is this? What's going on here!?
[Demoniczne dzieci wychodzą z nikąd i uśmiercają Harry'ego]
Cafe 5.2
[Harry budzi się w kawiarence, a kobieta która wygląda na
policjantkę podchodzi do niego]
Harry: Was I dreaming?
Cybil: How do you feel?
Harry: Ugh... Like I've been run over by a truck, but I'm alright, I guess.
Cybil: Glad to hear it.
You from around here? Why don't you tell me what happened?
Harry: Wait a second. I'm just a tourist. I came here for a vacation. I
just got here...
I don't know what happened. I'd like to find out myself.
Cybil: Uh-huh?
Harry: Have you seen a little girl? Just turned seven last month... Short,
black hair... My daughter.
Cybil: Sorry. The only person I've seen in this town is you.
Harry: Where is everybody?
Cybil: I'd tell you if I knew, believe me. But from what I can tell,
something bizarre is going on. That's all I know.
Harry: Hmmm...
Cybil: What's your name?
Harry: Harry... Harry Mason.
Cybil: Cybil Bennet. I'm a a police officer from Brahams, the next town over.
The phones are all dead, and the radio, too. I'm going back to call in some
Harry: Hmph.
[Harry wstaje i udaje się w kierunku drzwi]
Cybil: Hold it! Where do you think you're going?
Harry: My daughter... I've gotta find her.
Cybil: No way! It's dangerous out there.
Harry: In that case, I need to find her now. Cheryl's my little girl. I
can't just leave her by herself.
Cybil: Have you got a gun?
Harry: Ummm... no.
[Cybil daje swój pistolet Harry'emu]
Cybil: Take this. And hope you don't have to use it.
Now listen to me, before you pull the trigger, know who you're
shooting. And don't do it unless you have to. And don't go blasting
me by mistake.
Got it?
Harry: Yeah. Thanks.
Cybil: You'd do best to stay nearby. I'll be back with help as quick as I
[Po tym jak uzbierasz wszystkie przedmioty i spróbujesz wyjść na
zewnątrz słychać jest szum pochodzący z radia]
Harry: What's that?
Huh? Radio? What's going on with that radio?
[Harry podchodzi do radia, nagle jedna z szyb rozbija się, a do
pomieszczenia wlatuje Winged Deamon]
[Po pokonaniu latającego potwora]
Harry: This is not a dream! What's happening to this place!?
Bachman Road - Na zewnątrz Cafe 5.2
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: Where could Cheryl have gone? I guess I'll check that alley again.
Bachman Road - Alejka
[Harry znajduje kilka przedmiotów na końcu alejki]
Harry: Isn't this Cheryl's sketchbook?
Hmmm... She's at the school...
01 - M I D W I C H E L E M E N T A R Y
Locker Room 2F
[Po otwarciu szkolnej szafki, z której wydobywały się dziwne
dźwięki wyskakuje z niej kot i wywołuje strach u Harry'ego]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: Just a cat...
[Kot ucieka przez drzwi wyjściowe]
02 - N I G H T M A R E S C H O O L
[Po wyjściu z drugiej strony zegara znajdujesz się w tym
samym miejscu, tylko lekko odmienionym]
Harry: Where am I? Have I been here before?
[Harry zauważa dziwny symbol na ziemi]
Harry: Hmmm... I don't remember this being here before.
Północny Teacher's Room 1F
[Kiedy próbujesz przejść przez drzwi w tle słychać dzwoniący
telefon. Harry odbiera]
Cheryl: Daddy help me! Daddy, where are you?
Harry: Cheryl!
[Rozmowa urywa się, a Harry odkłada słuchawkę]
Rooftop RF
[Jeśli masz Channeling Stone i użyjesz go to Harry usłyszy
dziwne odgłosy]
Harry: What?
[Harry zauważa światło na niebie]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: That light!?
[Światło znika]
Boiler Room BF
[Po pokonaniu bossa (Lizard) szkoła staje się normalna, a ty
znajdujesz się w Boiler Room]
[Harry widzi postać Alessy, która nagle znika spoglądając na niego]
Harry: Huh? What was that!? Who in the hell was that!?
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: Where am I? This is a... boiler room? What is going on here?
Hallway 1F
[Po tym jak Harry wchodzi na 1F]
[Harry myśli sobie]
Harry: I hear a... a church bell? Where is it coming from? Who's
ringing that bell
Balkan Church
[Kiedy Harry wchodzi do kościoła i zauważa stojąca w nim kobietę
w jego myślach pojawia się pytanie]
Harry: Were you ringing that bell?
Woman: I've been expecting you. It was fortold by Gyromancy.
Harry: What are you talking about?
Woman: I knew you'd come. You want the girl, right?
Harry: The girl!? You're talking about Cheryl?
Woman: I see everything.
Harry: You know something? Tell me!
Woman: Stay back! Nothing's to be gained from floundering about at random.
You must follow the path. The path of the Hermit concealed by Flauros.
Harry: What!? What are you talking about?
Woman: Here, The Flauros, A cage of piece. It can break through the walls
of darkness and counteract the wrath of the underworld. These will
help you. Make haste to the hospital before it's too late.
[Kobieta idzie w kierunku drzwi]
Harry: Wait! Don't go yet.
[Kobieta wychodzi z kościoła]
03 - A L C H E M I L L A H O S P I T A L
Examination Room 1F
[Kiedy Harry wchodzi do pomieszczenia po raz pierwszy, widzi
mężczyznę siedzącego na krześle, który następnie w niego strzela]
[Harry cofa się do tyłu słysząc strzał]
Harry: Hold it! Stop! Don't shoot. Wait... I'm not here to fight. My
name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation.
Kaufmann: Thank god. Another human being.
Harry: Do you work here?
Kaufmann: I'm Doctor Michael Kaufmann. I work at this hospital.
Harry: So maybe you can tell me what's going on.
Kaufmann: I really can't say. I was taking a nap in this staff room, when
I woke up, it was like this. Everyone seems to have disappeared.
And it's snowing out - This time a year. Soemthing's gone
seriously wrong. Did you see those monsters? Have you ever seen
such aberrations? Ever even heard of such things? You and I both
know creatures like that don't exist.
Harry: Yeah. Have you seen a little girl anywhere? I'm lookign for my
daughter. She's only seven. Short. Black hair.
Kaufmann: She's missing? I'm sorry. But with all those monsters around, I
nighly doubt that she's...
Harry: [Westchnienie]
Kaufmann: Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you. Your wife, she's here with
Harry: She died four years ago. Now it's just me and my daughter.
Kaufmann: I see. I'm sorry. Well, I'd better be going. I can't just sit
around here doing nothing.
Harry: So long. Good luck out there.
04 - N I G H T M A R E H O S P I T A L
Examination Room 1F
[Kiedy Harry wchodzi do pomieszczenia, zauważa dzięki latarce młodą
kobietę siedzącą pod stołem. Kobieta wstaje i rzuca się w ramiona Harry'ego]
Lisa: Finaly, someone else who's OK.
Harry: Who are you?
Lisa: My name's Lisa Garland. What's yours
Harry: Harry Mason.
Lisa: Harry, tell me what's happenning here. Where is everybody? I must
have gotten knocked out. When I came to, everyone was gone. It's awful.
Harry: So, you don't know anything, either. Great... I just don't get it.
It's like this all is some kind of bad dream.
Lisa: Yeah, a living nightmare.
Harry: Let me ask you, have you seen a little girl around here? Short.
Black hair. Seven years old.
Lisa: A seven year old girl. What, she's your daughter?
Harry: Yes.
Lisa: A seven year old girl. I can't say that I have. I was unconscious
all this time. I'm sorry.
Harry: [Westchnienie] That's alright. Do you know anything about all that weird
stuff in the basement?
Lisa: No. Why? Is there something down there?
Harry: You don't know? Don't you work here?
Lisa: We're under strict orders never to enter the basement storeroom. So,
I really don't know. What did you say was down there?
Harry: Well, it's... [Odgłos alarmu] UPH... DAMN! My head!
Lisa: What's wrong? Harry? Harry. Let me help you. [Echo] Harry...
Examination Room 1F
[Po rozmowie z Lisą, Harry trafia do normalnego szpitala i spotyka tam Dahlie]
Harry: Was I dreaming?
Woman: You were too late.
Harry: It's you.
Woman: Yes. Dahia Gillespie.
Harry: Tell me everything you know. What's going on?
Dahlia: Darkness. The town is being devoured by darkness. Strength must
overcome petty desire. Childish sleep talk. I knew this day would come.
Harry: What are you talking about? I don't understand a word of this.
Dahlia: Believe the evidence of your eyes. The other church in this town,
that is your destination. This is beyond my abilities. Only you
can stop it now. Have you not seen the crest mark on the ground,
all over town?
Harry: So, that's what I saw in the schoolyard. What does it mean?
Dahlia: It is The Mark of Samael. Don't let it be completed.
[Dahlia idzie w kierunku drzwi i wychodzi]
Harry: Hey, wait!
Antique Shop
[Harry przesuwa kredens aby odblokować tajemne przejście znajdujące
się w ścianie]
Harry: What's this?
Cybil: Harry!
[Harry odwraca się i zauważa Cybil]
Harry: Cybil?
Cybil: I'm glad you're ok. I shouldn't've left you. Things are
worse than I thought. It's nuts!
Harry: What are you doing here? I thought you left town.
Cybil: I saw you go in here, so I followed you. I couldn't get out! All
the roads out of town are blocked. Cars have completely stopped
running. The phones and radios are still out, too.
Harry: What about my daughter? Did you see her?
Cybil: I did see a girl.
Harry: Was it Cheryl?
Cybil: I only caught a glimpse of her through the fog. I went after her,
but she vanished! I don't know about your daughter, but-
[Harry przerywa jej]
Harry: And you just let her go!? Where was it?
Cybil: On Bachman Road. She was heading towards the lake. Now don't get
excited, it wasn't like she ran off exactly. There was no place for
her to go. The road has been obliterated.
Harry: What? So then Cheryl...
Cybil: It was like she was walking on thin air.
Harry: Hmm...?
Cybil: What about you? Anything?
Harry: Yeah. I met this bizarre woman. Her name's Dahlia Gillespie. Do you
know her?
Cybil: Dahlia Gillespie. No. And?
Harry: She said something about the town being devoured by darkness.
Gibberish like that. Any idea what it means?
Cybil: Darkness devouring the town? Must be on drugs. They sell 'em to the
tourists. The force still can't figure out who's behind it. None of
out lead have panned out, and the investigation is stalled.
Harry: What could drug trafficking have to do with all this?
Cybil: Hmm... I really don't know. But, maybe that's the darkness she was
talking about. That's all I can think of.
Harry: Hmm...
[Cybil zwraca uwagę na przejście, które odnalazł Harry]
Cybil: What's this?
Harry: Just discovered it. Maybe there's something back there.
Cybil: Let's have a look.
Harry: Wait! We don't know what's back there. I'd better check it out
Cybil: I'm a cop, I should go.
Harry: No! I'm going.
Cybil: Alright. I'll cover you from here. Be careful. If anything looks
fishy, get back here on the double.
Harry: Ok.
Cybil: Yeah?
Harry: Do you know anyhting about, well... like some other world? It's
like some kind of bad dream.
Cybil: What are you talking about?
Harry: I'm not quite sure. I try to make sense of it, but then my mind
goes blank. Everything's dark there, and I here sirens in the
distance. I met this nurse, Lisa. It's like I was there, but not
really. It's all a blur. Like some kind of hallucination. You know?
Cybil: I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry.
Harry: Oh... I was just wondering. [Westchnienie] Nevermind.
Cybil: Harry, you're tired.
Harry: Yeah. Maybe.
Antique Shop - Ukryte pomieszczenie
[Harry wchodzi do małego pomieszczenia i zauważa w nim ołtarz]
Harry: What's this...? Some kind of altar...? Never seen anythign like
this before. Maybe this is the "other" church. Huh! What the!?
Cybil: Harry? Are you ok? Harry? [Echo] Harry...
Alchemilla Hospital - Examination Room 1F
[Harry budzi się w szpitalu, tuż obok Lisy]
Harry: Where am I?
Lisa? Then I'm at the hospital?
Lisa: You were having a bad dream.
Hary: Was I? Hey, you don't look too good. Are you ok?
Lisa: I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about.
Harry: Well, if you're sure. Lisa. Do you know a woman named Dahlia
Lisa: Oh yeah, that crazy Gillespie lady. She's kind of famous around here.
She never sees anyody, so I don't know that much about her. But, I
heard her kid died in a fire and supposively she's been crazy ever since.
Harry: Well, she says the town is being devoured by "the darkness." Do you
have any idea what she's talking about?
Lisa: The town devoured by the darkness... Yes, I think I do. Before this
place was turned into a resort, the townspeople here were on the
quiet side. Everybody followed some kind of queer religion. Weird
occult stuff. Black Magic, That kind of thing. As the young people
moved away, the people figured they'd been summoned by the Gods.
Evidently, things like that used to happen around here all the time.
Before the resort, there wasn't really anything else out here.
Everyone was so flipped out. Gotta blame it on something. Then a lot
of new people came in and everybody clammed up about it.
Harry: Occult...
Lisa: Last time I heard anything about it was...gosh, years ago. When
several people connected with developing the town, died in accidents.
People said it was a curse. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling. I'll shut up.
Antique Shop
[Harry budzi się ponownie w odmienionym sklepiku z antykami]
Harry: Was that another dream? Did I pass out again?
Silent Hill Town Center
[Kiedy Harry próbuje dostać się do windy, telewizor stojący obok niego
zaczyna wyświetlać jakiś niewyraźny obraz]
Cheryl: Daddy, help me! Daddy, where are you?
Harry: Cheryl!
[Po tym obraz znika, a na ekranie widać jedynie zakłócenia]
Alchemilla Hospital - Examination Room 1F
[Po tym jak cofasz się do szpitala aby porozmawiać z Lisą znajdujesz ją
w tym samym pomieszczeniu, w którym była wcześniej]
Lisa: Harry!
Harry: Glad you're ok.
Lisa: Thank god you came back! I was scared to be here all alone!
Harry: I'm here now. I was worried, too. I'm real
happy to see you.
Lisa, can you tell me how to get to the lake?
Lisa: The lake? You take Bachman Road.
Harry: The road's block.
Lisa: Well, that's the only way out there.
Harry: Are you sure? There's gotta be another way!
Lisa: WAIT! I just remembered something!
Harry: What?
Lisa: There's a waterworks over by my old elementary school. It's been
abandoned for years. There's an underground tunnel used for inspections
or something. I remember hearing it runs all the way to the lake.
Harry: Really? You think I can get to the lake from there?
Lisa: I've never been down in there myself, so I'm not positive. Besides,
it's all fenced off to keep people out.
Harry: If there's a chance, I've got to try.
Lisa: Harry, don't go! I don't wanna be alone. It's so scary, I can't stand it!
Harry: How about coming with me? This may not be the safest place in the
world, either. I can't promise you anything, but I'll do my best to
protect you.
Lisa: No, somehow I feel I'm not supposed to leave this place. Oh, Harry,
I'm so scared! I'm cold.
Harry: Look, just wait here a little longer I'll be back as soon as I find
my daughter.
Lisa: Harry!
[Harry wychodzi]
Annie's Bar
[Kiedy Harry wchodzi do Annie's Bar, zauważa że Kaufmann został
zaatakowany przez Demon Dog'a]
[Harry zabija psa i pochodzi do Kaufmann'a aby mu pomóc]
Harry: Are you ok?
Kaufmann: Yeah, I guess so. But, I'm beat. I thought I was a goner there.
So, how'd it go? Did you find a way out?
[Harry odpowiada]
Harry: No, not yet. How about you?
Kaufmann: Zip. But, it's too soon to give up. This crazyness can't go on
forever. A Military Rescue Squad should be here anytime now. If
they come through the town, we're home free.
Harry: I hope so.
Kaufmann: I'd better get going. This isn't the time to stand around
flapping our gums.
Harry: Do you know a girl called Alessa?
Kaufmann: No.
[Kaufmann wychodzi]
Sandford Street
[Otoczenie zmienia się]
Harry: What's this? Uoh oh, huh?
Lake View Pier - Łódź
Harry: Cybil!
Cybil: Harry!
Harry: How did you get back here?
Cybil: I followed the sewer. Were you the one who cut the fence?
Harry: Yeah. I'm glad you made it. I was worried about you.
Cybil: You were worried!? Where did you disappear to? Nevermind, I want to
know what's going on here. What is with this town?
Harry: This may sound really off the wall, but listen to me, you've got to
believe me. I haven't gone crazy and I'm not fooling around. At
first, I thought I was losing my mind. But now I know I'm not. It's
not me. This whole town - It's being evaded by the other world. By
a world of someone's nightmarish delusions, coming to life. Little
by little, the evasion is spreading. Trying to swallow up
everything in darkness. I think I'm finally beginning to understand
what that lady was talking about.
Cybil: Harry, hold on a minute. I don't get it.
Harry: Look, I don't understand it all myself. I guess I can't explain it.
Cybil: Well, what's making this happen?
Harry: I don't know that, either, but I do know Cheryl is there.
Cybil: There?
Harry: Under... whoever created this darkness. Cheryl is somewhere and she
needs my help.
Cybil: Harry, this whole thing's been a major blow to you. You need to rest.
Harry: Cybil, I-
[Dahlia pojawia się i przerywa Harry'emu]
Dahlia: The demon is awakening! Spreading those wings!
Harry: Dahlia Gillespie.
Dahlia: Was it not as I said? I see it all now. Yes, everything. Hungry
for sacrifice, the demon will swallow up the land! I knew this day
would come! And what's more, the task is almost finished! There's
only 2 left... to seal this town to the abyss, The Mark of Samael.
When it is completed, all is lost. Even in daytime, darkness will
cover the sun! The dead will walk and mortars will burn in the
fires of hell! Everyone will DIE!
Harry: So, what am I supposed to do!? I've got to save Cheryl.
Dahlia: It is simple - Stop the demon! The demon! The demon taking that
child's form! Stop it before your daughter becomes a sacrifice.
Before it is too late! Stop it! Stop it!
Harry: What do I do?
Dahlia: Go to the lighthouse on the lake, and to the center of the
amusement park. Make haste, you are the only hope.
Cybil: Look Harry, I really don't get what's going on. But if there's a
chance we can save your daughter, I'm in. I'll check out the
amusment park, you go to the lighthouse.
Harry: Cybil, thanks.
Dahlia: You will need to use it.
Harry: Use what?
Dahlia: The Flauros. Only with that can you stop it.
Harry: What about Cybil!?
Lake View Pier - Latarnia morska
[Harry wchodzi na sam szczyt latarni morskiej i zauważa znikającą Alesse]
Harry: Wait! Damn, I was too late!
05 - A M U S E M E N T P A R K
Karuzela - Walka z Cybil
[Po użyciu czerwonego płynu na Cybil, staje się ona normalna]
Harry: Cybil, wake up! Snap out of it! Cybil!
Cybil: Harry... what happened?
Harry: Shh... Don't talk, I'll take care of you.
Cybil: Harry... why did they take your daughter? Why her?
Harry: I'm not sure myslef. But, you know, Cheryl isn't my biological
daughter. I actually haven't told her yet. She probably already
knows anyway, though. We found her abandoned on the side of the
highway. Nobody knew where she came from. We didn't have any kids
of our own, my wife was sick, and it didn't look like she was
getting any better. So we took Cheryl in.
Cybil: So in that case...
Harry: There might be some connection between Cheryl and this town.
Cybil: So what do you do now?
Harry: Cheryl is my daughter. I will save her no matter what.
Amusement Park
[Harry zauważa ponownie Alesse, która tym razem nie znika]
Harry: I figured you'd show.
[Alessa zaczyna odchodzić]
Hold it right there. I don't know who you are or what you're trying
to do, and I don't care. Just one thing. Let Cheryl go. That's all I ask.
[Alessa używa swoich mocy na Harrym]
What? Damn!
[Flauros wydobywa się z kieszeni Harry'ego i zaczyna go chronić]
What is this?
Alessa: AHHH!!!!
[Alessa pada na podłogę]
Harry: Where's Cheryl? Give me back my daughter.
[Dahlia pojawia się na ekranie]
Dahlia: We meet at last, Alessa.
Alessa: Huh!
Harry: Dahlia Gillespie? Where's Cheryl? Where is she!?
Dahlia: Alessa, this is the end of your little game.
Alessa: Mama? Huh...
Harry: Could she be...
Dahlia: You've been a ghastly litle pest, haven't you Alessa? I was
careless thinking couldn't escape from our spell. But, mommy
didn't know how much you'd grown. That's why I couldn't catch you
all by myself. But, what a pity, yes? Now you're half indebted
this man for his help.
Harry: Hey, what are you talking about!?
[Dahlia ignoruje Harry'ego i kontynuuje rozmowę z Alessą]
Dahlia: Alessa, my dear little girl, there is one thing left that I need
you to do for me.
Alessa: No! Get away from me!
Dahlia: Bad girl! Everything is ready. Let's go home now, uh-hmm...?
Harry: What's going on here!?
Alessa: OHH!!!!!
[Harry, Dahlia, i Alessa znikają]
06 - N O W H E R E
Examination Room 1F
[Harry pojawia się w szpitalnym Examination Room z Lisą]
Lisa: Harry.
Harry: Lisa. What happened? Where's Alessa, and Dahlia?
Lisa: Harry, listen. Something you said before has been bothering me. I
just can't get it out of my head.
Harry: What is it, Lisa?
Lisa: So I went to look in the basement, even though I was scared as hell.
Like you said, there were these creepy rooms, but nothing really
unusual down there. But, whole I was down there, I got this weird
feeling. Like I'd been there before. Like something happened there.
But, I can't quite remember somehow, what was it. Harry, help me.
I'm so scared! I can't take this!
Harry: It's only a temporary thing. You're in shock from when you were
knocked out. Don't fret about it. You'll remember after awhile.
Lisa: No! You don't understand!
[Lisa idzie w stronę drzwi]
Harry: Wait! Where do you think you're going!?
[Lisa wychodzi z pomieszczenia]
Elevator 1F
[Harry idzie w kierunku windy]
Harry: I'm being summoned. What happened in this town? What could be
making things like this? I have a feeling if I take the elevator down, I'll find it.
[Harry wchodzi do windy]
Harry: Cheryl...
[Drzwi windy zamykają się, po czym winda zjeżdża na dół]
Storage Room 1F
[Po wejściu do Storage Room Lisa znajduje się w rogu - tuż obok Ciebie]
Lisa: Harry.
[Harry odwraca się w kierunku Lisy]
Harry: Lisa... What's the matter with you?
Lisa: I get it now. Why I'm still alive, even though everyone else is dead.
I'm not the only one who's still walking around. I'm the same as
them. I just hadn't noticed it before.
Harry: Lisa...
Lisa: Stay by me, Harry! Please! I'm so scared! Help me! Save me from them!
Please... Harry... [Zaczyna płakać]
[Lisa zaczyna krwawić, po czym przemienia się w demona]
Harry: Huh!
[Harry wychodzi z pomieszczenia i trzyma drzwi z całej siły]
[Lisa uderza w drzwi]
Harry: Lisa...
Aratron Room 1F
[Widać 4 duchy: Dahlia, Kaufmann, jakaś nieznana postać oraz Alessa
leżąca na łóżku]
Dahlia: Everything is going according to plan. Sheltered in the womb.
Nieznana postać: But it's not done yet. Half the soul is lost. That is why
the seed lies dormant.
Kaufmann: But what so remains captured in that husk, ... is buried deep
down in the subconcious.
Are you trying to say it won't work?
That wasn't our agreement.
Dahlia: No, no. These are just stalling tactics. If we lend a hand, we
will be able to get power. Never fear. The promise shall not be broken.
Nieznana postać: But, the power we could draw now would be very weak;
almost nothing. Unless we get the other half of the soul...
Dahlia: We'll use a magical spell. Feeling this child's pain, it's sure to come.
Kaufmann: But, that will take time.
Dom państwa Gillespie
[Dahlia chce podnieść Alesse z podłogi szarpiąc ją za rękę]
Dahlia: Come on! Come on!
Alessa: No! No! I don't want to!
Dahlia: Do as mommy tells you, now. I just want you to lend me a teeny bit
of your power, that's all.
Alessa: No! I don't want to do it!
Dahlia: It will make everyone happy... and it's for your own good too.
Alessa: No! But mommy, I just want to be with you. Just two of us. Please
Dahlia: You really mean it, yes, I see. Maybe mommy has been wrong.
Alessa: Mommy...
Dahlia: Why didn't I see this before. There's no reason to wait. Herein
lies the mother's womb. To obtain the power to create life. I
could have done it all myself.
Alessa: Mommy!?
Zakończenie Good+
[Dahlia, Alessa i postać na wózku inwalidzkim stoją w centrum pomieszczenia]
Dahlia: I was shocked to realize the talisman of Metratron was being used.
In spite of the lost soul returning at last. Just a little longer and all would've
been for naught.
It's all because of that man. We must be thankful to him.
Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl has to go.
What a pity... ha ha ha ha ha ha... [Śmiech cichnie]
[Cybil ładuje swój pistolet i mierzy go prosto w Dahlie]
Cybil: Freeze!
[Cybil strzela w Dahlie, ale nic się nie dzieje]
Cybil: What in the devil's name...!
[Dahlia unieruchamia Cybil]
[Harry wchodzi do pomieszczenia]
Harry: Dahlia!
Dahlia: Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far.
Harry: Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?
Dahlia: What are you talking about? You've seen her many times. Restored
to her former self.
Harry: I'm in no mood for jokes
Dahlia: Can't you see? She's right there. [Wskazuje na postać na wózku]
Harry: That's absurd.
Dahlia: You are the only one who thinks so.
Harry: Why? Why are you doing this?
Dahlia: It's been a long seven years. ...For the 7 years since that
terrible day, ... Alessa has been kept alive, ... sufferring a
fate worse than death. Alessa has been trapped in an endless
nightmare from which she never awakens.
He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be
born. That day has finally come.
The time is neigh. Everyone will be released, from pain and
sufferring. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning.
When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the
true paradise!
My daughter will be the mother of God!
[Dahlia zostaje postrzelona, a Michael Kaufmann wchodzi do pomieszczenia
trzymając w ręku pistolet]
Kaufmann: Quit screwing around! Return things to how they were before!
Harry: Kaufmann!
Kaufmann: Did I ask for this! Nobody uses me! You won't get away with this!
[Dahlia podnosi się]
Dahlia: Your role is over. We don't need you anymore. What do you think
you can accomplish by coming here?
Kaufmann: My, aren't we getting cocky?
Bet you can't see this and keep your cool.
[Kaufmann bierze do ręki fiolkę]
Dahlia: Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!
Kaufmann: All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find. You all,
well, it kept you busy.
Ha! You're easy!
And there's more where this came from!
Dahlia: Stop it!!
[Kaufmann rzuca fiolkę w kierunku Alessy]
Alessa: Ah!
[Alessa pada na ziemię]
[Alessa przekształca się w demona]
Harry: Huh? What the!?
Dahlia: Ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Kaufmann: What on earth? It's not supposed to...
[Demon uśmierca Dahlię]
[Kiedy uda Ci się pokonać demona, przekształca się spowrotem w Alesse]
Alessa: Ah!
[Harry podnosi się]
Głos: Daddy!
[Ciężki oddech pojawia się w tle, a na ekranie pojawia się błysk]
[Cybil oraz Kaufmann wstają]
[Wszyscy patrzą w kierunku jasnego punktu. Lisa wychodzi spod metalowego
podłoża i zrzuca Kaufmann'a]
Kaufmann: ah eh ahhhh........ [Krzyk wycisza się]
[Harry zabiera Cheryl od Alessy. Harry razem z Cybil zaczynają uciekać, a
Alessa umiera. W tle słychać eksplozję i ekran robi się biały]
[Harry i Cybil biegną z Cheryl poprzez uliczki]